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tv   Anderson Cooper 360  CNN  August 9, 2017 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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rs, advocates too? turns out, it's californians it's me and it's you. don't stop now, it's easy to add to the routine. join energy upgrade california and do your thing. the breaking news this hour, a new and specific threat to from north korea, a day after the president warned that any threat in his words would be met by fire and fury the likes the world has never seen. we have since learned the warning was off the cuff. it was improvised. tonight a statement from the commander of kim jong-un's strategic forces making reference to president trump, saying sound dialogue is not possible with such a guy bereft of reason and only absolute force can work on him. the north korean commander went on to outline a plan to fire
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four ballistic missiles at guam, having them land offshore. the president drew a line. kim jong un tonight seemed to cross it. the question now what. jim sciuto, the statement from north korea, jim, also references that the president is at his golf club. >> that's right. it's interesting, because we have to talk about how closely the u.s. monitors north korean state media official statements to see what that says about their intentions. clearly, north korea watching u.s. national media about its coverage of the president, referencing his frequency of golf outs. today saying in their statement that president trump, the american president in the words of the north koreans, u.s. president at the golf links again, let out a load of nonsense about fire and fury, failing to grasp the ongoing grave situation. so that a bit of a rhetorical shot across the bow. but let's be frank here as well. north korea made a very specific and threat threat, specifying a
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target, guam, where the u.s. has two military bases, a kind of missile in intermediate ballistic missile and even the number of missiles it claims it would use, four missiles. i spoke to a senior military official in the pentagon tonight. he said when an adversary like that, particularly a nuclear adversary like that makes a threat like that they take it very seriously. >> earlier tillerson was at a refueling stop in guam. it sounds like he was trying to calm the situation. >> president trump talking about fire and fury in response to any north korean threat. you have the secretary of state bringing that back, more in line with previous senior officials of this administration and previous administrations. listen to what he had to say. >> i think what the president's doing is sending a strong message to north korea in language that kim kim jong-un would understand. because he doesn't seem to understand diplomatic language.
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i think the president just wanted to be clear to the north korean regime that the u.s., you know, unquestionable ability to defend itself, will defend itself and its allies. and i think it was important that he deliver that message to avoid any miscalculation on their part. >> it's interesting. the secretary also made a point of saying that he didn't believe that any of the rhetoric he had heard in the last 24 or 48 hours should alarm americans. it was interesting there, anderson. he didn't specify that just rhetoric coming out of north korea. he said any of the rhetoric should not make americans, in his words, have trouble sleeping at night in terms of the threat of a real military conflict here. >> the secretary of defense james mattis. >> it's no question. this is a very strongly-worded statement. you have to take this all together. the president yesterday, the defense secretary, you the secretary of state. but mattis' strongly-worded statement, but bringing back
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again to what are previously stated positions of the u.s. in other words, if north korea acts, if it attack, there is going to be an overwhelming response. his exact words were along the lines of saying the dprk, that of course the democratic republic of north korea should cease any consideration of actions that would lead to the end of its regime and the destruction of its people. it's saying actions, if you attack the u.s., we're going to destroy your country in effect, went on the say its action also continue to be grossly overmatched by ours and would lose any arms race or conflict it initiatives. those are strongly-worded statements, no question. but they bring it back in line with previously stated policy which is you attack the u.s., the u.s. is going to strike back. and by the way, u.s. military power greatly by an order of magnitude outweighs north korean military power. that's a standard u.s. statement delivered frankly, but, again, something of a reinterpretation of what the president said, fire
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and fury in response to any threat. >> jim, thanks very much. this latest threat against guam comes with the island and its 162,000 people already on notice after the last one. ivan watson is on guam for us. what has been the reaction there? >> you know, when we landed shortly after midnight local time, anderson, a u.s. border and customs officer joked welcome to ground zero. a little bit of gallows humor. i don't know if you can see over my shoulder, but there's a beach here with people frolicking and playing on the water. so there is no panic on the street or clearly on the beaches here. the governor, eddie calvo has taken care to try to reassure the population, to make clear that the threat level has not been ratcheted up as a response to the threats coming verbally in statements from north korea. i just spoke with his office, and they said he has been
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briefed in the last couple of hours about this latest statement coming out of pyongyang warning about the possibility of a launch plan of four intermediate ballistic missiles that would land some 20 miles off the coast of guam. no formal response to that yet, when you talk to ordinary people, the reactions are mixed. we saw a bride in a wedding dress in the lobby of our hotel between last hour, presumably going to a photo shoot. there is some anxiety. one woman says she has some friends and acquaintances who are sleeping with their clothes on at night and gathering bottled water because they're worried. that same woman said i put my faith in god, my trust in god. i'm not going to worry about this right now. anderson? >> guam is no strangers to threats from north korea. this has happened before in years past. in terms of their overall military preparedness, what's the level? >> well, after threats in 2013, the u.s. military deployed that
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thaad missile defense system that we hear about often in the context of north korea because it was deployed last year in south korea. that's supposed to be a protective measure against missiles. this is an island that one of its main economic activities is the two big military bases here, the navy base and andersen air force base. and that's part of what has so frustrated and irritated the north koreans, the fact that b-1 bombers flew out of here in the last couple of days. they linked up with fighter jets from japan and south korea, and they conducted overflights over the korean peninsula. and pyongyang singled that out as reason for why he would want to target guam. but again, it has been written about in the past by north korea, which i might add has put out statements -- i've seen dozens of statements, i think, where north korea has threatened to reduce washington, d.c. to fire and destruction. we haven't quite seen that yet. and that's perhaps why some people here are taking the threats against guam with a grain of salt.
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>> ivan watson, thanks very much. shortly before north korea made their latest threat, i spoke with someone who spent a good deal of his career keeping tabs on north korea. michael hayden is now a cnn national security analyst. the fact that the president drew a line in his statement yesterday and targeted the threats coming from north korea, i don't know if that just basically said no more threats. i don't know if that means verbal threats or some sort of movements, should the president be drawing red lines on threats right now at this time? >> oh, god, absolutely not, anderson. and given all the commentary he's made on his predecessor's red line, i thought it was amazing that he goes out there yesterday in that very unartful comment, clearly not staffed, clearly not precise really does draw a red line. and within about 90 minutes, kim jong un crosses the red line and threatens the american territory of guam. lesson learned. >> where does that leave this
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administration? we're getting mixed signals not only from the president but secretary of state, i don't know if from a rational is the right way or de-escalating things or attempting to ratchet things down several days before this. >> you know, anderson, i actually think there is a coherent strategy behind this. we may not agree with the strategy and think it's fairly dangerous and not a high probability strategy, but i think fundamentally the administration has drawn a line and said we can not accept -- i think the obama administration had. but the trump administration will not accept a nuclear armed north korea with an icbm. and now what they're trying to do is put pressure frankly more on the chinese than the north koreans so that the chinese who really do have the leverage here put pressure on the north koreans to enter into some negotiated solution. look, the chinese haven't been all that willing. fundamentally, i've used the metaphor that for the chinese,
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north korea is a toothache, and they'd rather put up with the pain than go through root canal. i think our strategy now is to increase the pain for the chinese. we're the ones who are stirring the pot in northeast asia. the north koreans have been on this arc, developing their weapon systems for quite a while. what's new is our rhetoric and our response. and i think we're trying to fundamentally make the chinese less comfortable with the status quo so that they'll do the kinds of things we want to do. now, to get to the core of your question, we're not doing that very artfully. we're getting messaging coming out of the president that is very threatening. you get messaging from the secretary of state that tries to be calming. and i think secretary mattis today kind of split the difference. i think he was cautionary towards the north koreans. so you do have these mixed messages. and this is so innately hard to
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do, you're making a difficult task even hard aer. >> we now know -- the president's remarks yesterday were somewhat improvised. the president's last statement about more power than the world has ever seen, i'm paraphrasinp, that's a line he has used repeatedly not only throughout his presidency, but throughout his life. he even used it in the opioid conference that was happening right before he made this statement. he used the exact same line, talking about u.s. power on the border. >> it's very dangerous for a president of the united states to speak in language that could be misinterpreted, misunderstand. particularly by a regime like north korea which is not crazy, anderson. they have a very logical approach. >> you consider them a rational actor? >> i do consider them a rational actor. but this rational actor believes in its heart of hearts, that the united states constitutes a real and present danger to them. and all of their actions proceed from that premise rationally.
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we just reinforced the premise, again, open to misinterpretation. >> it was interesting. i talked to ambassador baucus yesterday who was saying that if there was military conflict, an actual military operation, that the chinese wouldn't sit idly by. he thought the chinese would enter north korea. do you think that's a real possibility as well? >> you know, i spent a lot of time, it's a long time ago now, in south korea planning for the collapsing of that country. and we did take into account what the chinese would do, not a repeat of november/december 1950, but moving in to re-establish order, to perhaps keep refugees on the southern side of the river, rather than in china. so i think the ambassador has a real point there, the chinese for their own interests and without intending to be aggressive, may be forced to intervene, complicating our calculations. anderson, can i add one additional thought.
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we're yelling at the north koreans over the heads of 50 million south koreans. when we say these kinds of things to the north koreans, what must our south korean allies be thinking? >> just as a reminder, you're talking about kind of going through war games or exercises that you went through. can you give us a sense of the scope of the fallout from a conflict like this? just the loss of life in terms of loss of life, in terms of the difficulty of anything in that area? >> yeah, first of all, at the end of the day, anderson, we win. and one of the reasons that the north is putting so much emphasis on their nuclear forces is that their conventional forces are eroding, and the conventional balance grows more in the south korean and american favor every day. so we win. but we win at great cost in human life. i don't want to be overly dramatic here, anderson, but
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we're probably talking about hundreds of thousands of casualties if we go to war in the -- on the korean peninsula. >> general michael hayden, appreciate it. thank you. >> thank you. >> a lot more to talk about ahead about the president's decision making on how the white house is coping with the blow back. later with the domestic war of words, senator mitch mcconnell battling over the health care legislation and the gop's failure to pass it. work up a sweat during the day. not at night. only tempur-breeze® mattresses use an integrated system of technologies to keep you cool while you sleep. ultra-breathable support layers channel heat away from your body. purecool technology delivers cooling comfort you can feel. and the performance cover is cool to the touch. so you sleep cool and wake up feeling powerful. only exclusive retailers carry breeze. find yours at fl[ gasps, laughs ]c, progressive gives you options based on your budget.
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tonight's threat to north korea includes the president's tough talk that was improvised at some point yesterday to some kind of unified message going forward. another busy new jersey vacation day for the president. cnn's sara murray joins us now. so do we expect a response tonight from the white house where the president on these latest remarks and threat from north korea? >> well, we've asked repeatedly, of course, as to how the president might respond, what the administration's response is. so far we haven't gotten anything. but we have seen the way the president's behaved over the last couple of days and that's a pretty aggressive posture. and that continued today even on twitter. i want to read you what he said earlier. my first order as president was to renovate and modernize our nuclear arsenal, and it's now stronger and more powerful than ever before. hopefully we will not have to use this power, but there will never be a time when we're not the most powerful nation in the world.
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obviously between the u.s. and south korea, there's been some concern about that. but it gives you an idea of the level of rhetoric we've been hearing from the president on the heels of these threats from north korea, anderson. >> and the lines he used yesterday, the fire and fury and more powerful than the world has ever seen, what do we eknow about that statement? at one point he looked down at a piece of paper be. i saw the reporting from "the new york times" that that was a one sheet on opioid use. it wasn't anything on north korea. >> well, look, for any other president we would have expect that the response would have been very carefully worded and ever word picked. that is not this president. we were told that the papers in front of the president had to do with the opioid epidemic. sarah huckabee sanders said the words were the president's own, the fire and fury, they said that came from the president. he discussed the stone of his statement with his new chief of
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staff, john kelly and other national security council officials. but when it came to the actual rhetoric, those words that actually stuck out the many people watching this, those were the president's own words. they came extemporaneously in that moment. it was not a prepared statement ahead of time, anderson. >> sara murray, thanks very much. susan page, paul begala, general spider marks and tim naftali. how surprised are you that john kelly was surprised by it but not shocked by what the president said yesterday? >> the idea that we'd be shocked by something donald trump says, we've all passed that point. but i think one reason the white house has been eager to say this wasn't scripted, this wasn't vetted, was so the north koreans don't take this seriously, you know, many people in washington, including senators, voters across the country, know that there are times when you take donald trump very seriously, every word, and there are times when you don't. and i think the white house is trying to make the case, you do
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not dissect every word of this, because if you did -- he's threatening a nuclear -- >> don't take him literally. >> don't take him literally, we have had a lot of debate about this. but i think this is an effort to say look, this was extemporaneous. don't dissect every word. don't take it too seriously. >> it certainly seems whether general mattis, rex tillerson, all of them sort of coming out today with variations of sort of a more moderate statement. >> right. they want to try to scale this down, and that's a terrific strategy for them now, now that the president has kind of messed up to say well, he didn't really mean that literally. when the president speaks in an international crisis, that is no time to wing it. jfk very carefully called the blockade of cuba which is an act of war, he called ate quarantine which is from public health. oh, gee, these people had measles.
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he used that word deliberately, a deliberate act so he wasn't leading us into war. that kind of nuance is required in the job, and this president has to rise to the occasion. frankly, his generals cannot allow him to go out unscripted on something like that. >> tim, today tweeting out this morning the nuclear arsenal is more powerful than ever. they're really not any changed. >> here is the thing that when i heard this statement yesterday, thank you, paul, for mentioning the book, i thought to myself, okay, is the president trying to deter the north koreans from doing something, or is he trying to compel them to do something? there is a big difference. the reason the cuban missile crisis was so dangerous, was that kennedy was trying to deter them from putting more missiles and prevent them from put mortgage missiles. yesterday one got the idea that the president was trying to propel north korea to denuclearize. what's clear from the statements today from mattis and the state department is our government's position is we're trying to deter them from future action.
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an attempt to threaten to compel action is very dangerous because it's highly unlikely the other side is going to actually do what you want, which means unless you want to lose your credibility as a world power, you're going have to act. so it was very helpful, i think. >> general marks, when the north koreans talk which they did many this latest statement very specific about four ballistic missiles being fired toward guam that will fall short of guam i guess as a threat of some sort, how likely is there -- how possible is it that is not what actually happens? if missiles are launched, how does the u.s. know that those missiles actually are heading toward gum and are going to fall short? >> several times. one is it's a total guess on the part of the north koreans that they can do that. so it's clearly a threat on their part that can't be backed up with any logic or science. they haven't reached that point. and we have noticed on some of the missile launches, they really subscribe to the notion, big sky, little bullet, and
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and they just launch these things willy-nilly, and they land where they will, and japan is routinely concerned about it. you know, anderson for years, guam is the target that north korea talks about. they want to try to bring some type of destruction only because it's u.s. territory. it's close. it's not on the south korean peninsula. it is something in fact they can reach. and we don't know upon launch, we don't know where missiles go. they are literally going vertically. you got to start reading telemetry data. and then you start reading the tellemry data. the key thing for any missile launch, when you want to go after it, you want to go after it in the first minute of launch. it's slow. it's burning fuel whether it's liquid or solid. it's close to the ground. how do we do that very, very well? we can pick up the burn? how do we engage that? we don't have the ability to do that. guam is fine i think is the bottom line.
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>> the president's statement, he just had this opioid meeting. and one of the things he said was the u.s. power on the southern border of mexico, somewhere more powerful than the world has ever seen and he used the same statement in this threat with north korea, that it would be fire and fury and more powerful than the world has ever seen. which is a somewhat bellicose statement. a lot of people interpret it as a nuclear response and the world has seen a nuclear response in 1552. we've looked at how often the president has used this. it's one of his favorite phrases used during the campaign. he's also tweeted a lot. but here he is in just speeches using that phrase. >> we're being very, very strong on the southern border, the likes of which this country has never seen that kind of strength. >> grassroots movement the likes of which the world has never seen before. >> a historic movement, the likes of which the world has never seen before. >> the movement the likes of
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which, actually, the world has never seen before. >> a movement like the world has never seen before. >> actually business enthusiasm is about as high as they have ever seen. we're unleashing a new era of american prosperity, perhaps like we have never seen before. >> it's interesting how many different ways there are to deliver that line. but what do you make of the fact that in this incredibly crucial moment, paul, he is using a phrase that is kind of one of his go-to phrases? >> all the rest of those were fine with me. they really are. he's our first president in american history that has no prior governmental or military experience. and the american people knew that and they frankly liked that about him. i didn't, but i lost. he's a real estate salesman, he's trying to get you to buy his condo, the greatest condo the the world has ever seen, i think it's fine in other contexts, but when you're talking about nuclear war, and your trigger, your red line is a threat not
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action, then that kind of bells could -- bellicosity is really problematic. >> then we want to play that tape to north korea and say don't take the president so seriously. but the next time the president makes a statement that everyone takes very seriously, will they? >> we also say the president's credibility, the vast majority of americans, do not believe the words that come out of the white house. which is alarming. >> and if you do believe these words, he took to it a level 10 unless it's "spinal tap" and it goes to 11. i think people are trying to walk it back by these examples that he didn't really mean to be a level 10. but also for 30 years, the united states administrations from reagan on have tried to deal with north korea and ultimately ended up paying them off or some other negotiated resolution.
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and i think that's where we need to get is engage in some diplomacy to ratchet this thing back, to take nuclear war off the table. because that is catastrophic for everybody. and kim jong un does not want to die. he wants to live on in his lifestyle, and we should engage him in a discussion that lets him continue. >> stick around, everybody. more north korea in a moment. >> the russia white house investigation, learning that the home of paul manafort, the president's former campaign chairman was raid beside fbi agents. coming up, how one source says it's hitting the president's inner circle. th served in the n. i do outrank my husband, not just being in the military, but at home. she thinks she's the boss. she only had me by one grade. we bought our first home together in 2010. his family had used another insurance product but i was like well i've had usaa for a while, why don't we call and check the rates? it was an instant savings and i should've changed a long time ago. there's no point in looking elsewhere really. we're the tenneys and we're usaa members for life. usaa. get your insurance quote today.
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we deliver super-fast internet with speeds of 250 megabits per second across our entire network, to more companies, in more locations, than centurylink. we do business where you do business. ♪ ♪ more breaking news tonight, north korea seriously examining in their words a missile strike near guam. bereft of reason. that's his new response. here's what the president said yesterday. >> north korea best not make anymore threats to the united states. they will be met with fire and fury like the world has never seen. he has been very threatening, beyond a normal statement. and as i said, they will be met
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with fire, fury, and frankly power, the likes of which this world has never seen before. >> back now with the panel. tim, you used to be the director of the nixon library. there was much talk about sort of a madman theory. and is the president -- or good cop-bad cop. the president saying one thing, general mattis a different kind of response. somewhere in the middle. what do you make of those who say is this possibly some sort of madman theory? >> i really believe that the man man in the nixon administration was kissing her. it wasn't nixon. if you really look at the details, the one who was always pushing for use of force was henry kissing her more than nixon. i think the madman theory is the worst possible approach in a nuclear world. we know he wanted to put pressure afternoon the united
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states by creating crises around the world. it was nikt ca khrushchev. he wanted to put pressure around the united states by creating crises around the world. it was an idiotic thing to do in a nuclear age. i don't think anyone has ever proven it's a smart idea in the nuclear age to engage in predictable unpredictability when nuclear weapons and many lives are at stake. >> the sad thing is we've had this nuclear condition for 70 plus year. it's as if we're trying to relearn some lessons that might seem obvious. >> what i don't understand is why we just don't say that north korea can have nuclear weapons, and then they have to play by the rules. >> right. and we deter them. deterrence has worked. in the 70 plus years that nuclear weapons have existed. and north korea then we could test the theory, which is that
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north korea is a puffer fish. they're afraid of being swallowed. so they pretend to have more power and be more ambitious than they really are. and then if they misbehave, well, then they pay the price. right now they seem to be acting as if their existence is at stake. tell them their existence is not at stake. you can survive. and you can keep a very small nuclear program, but don't use it. >> and north korea looks around and sees enemies in all different directions. >> absolutely. they have always been oppressed. plus, if you go back, without getting too pedantic, you go back and look at the peninsula, what has happened over history. japanese invaded china through the peninsula. what happened the chinese came down to japan, through the peninsula. so for years the koreans have been grieved. th they have now been with the demarcation after we dropped the nukes in japan. suddenly we had a crisis in korea we had that we weren't prepared for. i think what has happened is
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that the north koreas used to be signatories to the nonproliferation treaty. they backed out of that. they have a history of trying to play by the rules. our intelligence estimate is that they have a nuke and they are capable of delivering that. that has always been the condition. you're now at the table, you can play with the big guys. you to play by the rules. >> we have to take a break. >> the fbi raid into paul manafort's residence. a big investigation. we just found out about it today. sources tell us it did not land well with the trump team. details on that next. i make it easy to save $600 on car insurance,
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a new development tonight in the russia white house watch. today we learned fbi agents raided the home of paul manafort. the raid happened two weeks ago, and a source tells cnn the agents seized materials, including financial and tax records. sources also tell cnn this news took the trump team by surprise this morning and according to one source rattled some cages in the inner circle. last summer manafort was clearly
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in the in the course. >> are there any ties between you and mr. putin? >> no, there is not. it's absurd and there is no basis to it. >> why is it so far-fetched to explain to north korea and say that the motive wud to help you. >> it's just absurd. >> back with ana navarro. matt, just from a legal standpoint, in order to execute a search warrant, to raid manafort's house, they have to get a search warrant from a judge. they have to show probable cause. >> they do. this is a constitutional requirement they have. because in our history, we had a problem with general warrants, and the government being able to go into anybody's house and inspect anything they wanted. so we had to have a sworn affidavit from a law enforcement officer that named in specifics what they were going to search and what they were going to hope to find and seize. and i think this is bad news for trump. but there are two interesting things.
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first of all, while manafort says he is cooperating, it is not in a sense of that he is stalking to the feds and spilling his guts. it's more i'm trying to be helpful. so that is actually good for trump team. i think the second thing is in these kind of investigation, swashts and subpoenas are the only way you can see where the investigation is going. so folks both inside and outside the white house are watching very closely where these cards are being played. >> if he was really cooperating handing over the documents, would the fbi really feel the need to go raid his home to look for more information? >> absolutely not. he is not cooperating in a sense that he is being completely truthful and telling everything he knows. he is trying to be helpful, but they're not using him as a source. >> don't they have to convince the judge there is a crime orion going crime? >> probable cause. >> but this is his home. >> which is a big deal, actually entering someone's home is a whole other deal. >> never happened in whitewater. never happened in watergate.
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>> it was no knock warrant where the door was kicked down, which was very concerning which meant they thought he was going to destroy evidence or the judge would authorize that behavior. >> i think we can see number one, this is not going away. mueller, despite all the noise is focused. and there's now this focus on financial crimes. so we've gone from political to financial. something which for donald trump is a red line. bob mueller has been hiring attorneys that specialize in financial crimes and corruption. we see that manafort is definitely emerging as one of the central figures, which is a big problem because this is not a bit player in this campaign. this isn't carter page who they can claim was not an adviser. this guy was running the campaign. >> although they have distanced themselves from paul manafort. >> in a weird way, politically i think it's better for trump. >> how so? >> it's focused on financial crimes rather than political crimes. so long as those financial crimes aren't committed by trump
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himself, as long as they're just committed by people in his orbit, and i don't think anyone on this panel would be surprised if paul manafort had done something illegal in the course of his dealings in russia and eastern europe. as long as that's the case, trump can say, look, this was a fishing expedition. and sure that. >> found something. but it doesn't relate to me, and it wasn't the thing that the democrats have been going on and on about, russian collusion, hillary leaks, e-mails and so on. that's obviously -- no argument trump is going to make in this context is ideal. but in terms of doing what hazy to do to keep his base with him and keep republicans sort of on side, having paul manafort accused of financial shenanigans is much better than the don jr. meeting with russian story. miles better. >> nothing about this is better because it drives trump crazy, right? it plays with his head. he is incapable of accepting the assessment by the intelligence community. he wants to call it a witch hunt, and every day we see more evidence. >> when you were in clinton
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white house, during that whole ongoing investigation, there was never a predawn raid on a home never. >> never, and i heard it never happened in watergate. this is unprecedented. actually for me as an observe irof these things, the most important thing that happened is this happened july 26, and we're only learning about it now. robert mueller does not leak. we knew everything starr was doing because they leaked in real time. we didn't learn. that's astonishing to me. the other thing is, if you track back the president's tweets, on that day, july 26, he attacked the deputy director of the fbi, andy mccabe and tried to smear him. maybe he didn't know and president trump didn't know. the white house says they were shocked to learn about it today. maybe so. but there is an interesting coincidental attack on the number two man. >> a couple hours later. >> this is a huge warning not just to manafort, but to every single one of these, the people who are involved in the trump orbit and could be touched by this investigation about how serious mueller is, how
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methodical he is being, how far he has gone. if you got manafort on some financial shenanigans, what's to say you couldn't use that as a tool to flip him on political crimes? >> if there are. if there are political crimes and paul manafort knows about them, then yes, this is disastrous for trump. i'm just saying that if we have financial crimes and there isn't -- >> it doesn't lead elsewhere. >> it doesn't lead elsewhere, trump will come out and say this is not what this investigation was supposed to be about. they found one of my ex-friends who did something wrong. that's terrible. he is a bad guy. i'll never speak to him again. but it's all been a fishing democrats and the democrats are full of it. >> and this is consistent with what we heard rod rosenstein say on sunday. which is that bob mueller knows who the targets of this investigation are. and it's clear that paul manafort is a target of this investigation. and i don't think it's necessary to go very far to say that they're looking at whether he has foreign bank accounts, because that's some of the reporting, and they're seeing that those bank account records are at home.
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it all makes perfect sense from a law enforcement having done this before as to how they're putting together this investigation. >> from a political perspective, i think it makes it that much harder for donald trump to try to fire bob mueller. it's going to be a scandal. it's going to be a disaster for republicans, they really should figure out how to pass, vote on that bill that lindsay graham put on to protect bob mueller from whatever might be happening. >> let's get a quick break on. when we come back, senator mitch mcconnell says the president's lack of work experience may be partially to blame for the failure of health care reform how. the president and others fired back, next. you're more than just a bathroom disease.
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and so part of the reason i think people feel like we're underperforming is because too many kind of artificial deadlines. >> this morning fox anchor sean hannity seized on the remarks. no, senator, you are a weak spineless senator who does not keep his word and . >> i had excessive expectations but after 7 years of repeal and replace why not done. thirdly he's blaming leader mcconnell for the repeal and replace of obamacare, something he's done before. the major leader must have needed more years to reparalegal and replace obamacare, excuses he says. certainly interesting strategy right now, the white house will need him to get tax reform and the border wall through
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congress. have you ever seen anything like this from a president from a top leader of his own party? >> never. it's good mitch mcconnell didn't have nuclear weapons. the only thing was the excessive expectations it's not like he challenged his fundamental qualities as a leader and president. i've never seen anything like this. he'll need support, he'll need -- president trump will need friends in the senate soon like keeping the government open next month by passing a funding bill. over the term of his presidency he's need to go to back these -- >> he's not wrong in -- >> no he's completely right. >> it's amazing after seven years of talking about this they haven't done anything. >> in this specific instance trump has the better of the argument. both, because one, look republicans pretended to have a plan to replace obamacare throughout the obama administration, and you know,
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you could say trump shouldn't have believed them, that's a fair criticism. but this was the congressional republican claim that we have a plan and they didn't. and -- >> trump also claims -- >> he had a plan. >> and paul ryan and mitch mcconnell convinced donald trump to start with healthcare. do you think he wanted to start with obamacare? >> mitch mcconnell is the majority leader and mitch mcconnell has stuck with donald trump this entire time, has looked the other way time and time again when donald trump has said or treated something crazy. if this is a criticism what he says, i mean really, at this point it's going to be easier to keep track of the republicans he has not attacked -- >> donald trump's a bad president but sometimes he's right. >> go ahead. >> well, somebody that's sort of in this movement and understands not only the trump voter by
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republicans generally is listen for, this is our fear of how walmart works. you sent all these republicans including the president, house and senate and they still can't get done with they promised you. what you're looking at if it all of a sudden becomes a division in the party where trump starts going after the senator in 2018, that could be a problem. >> trump voters hate the republican establishment more than they hate the democrats. that's trump playing to his base. the problem is that's all he seems to be able to do. mitch mcconnell gave him his only important accomplishment which is justice neil gorsuch. which i think he did it by denying president obama of the judge or mayor or whatever. mitch mcconnell's insider --
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he's going to need mitch to get him a budge, debt deal and yet he has to attack these guys, ryan and mcconnell. >> the week before he was attacking wit tow ski the trump world has advertised against healther in the swing state nevada. they're raising money in a swing state arizona. so somewhere you began to ask yourself do you want a republican majority or do you want to be able to say -- >> it's 34 kept from being removed in the impeachment trial. >> but he's also read nate silver's analysis where he said 2018 is the best career for republicans. even as unpopular as he said there's still a chance taryns could pick up seats. >> the map looked great for snaets and democrats last year and they didn't do anything. he may have been right
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republicans should have delivered on this long-term promise but he has a two-party system but that's his party. if he wants to governor on anything these are the folks he needs. >> to republican elected officials is why do you keep sticking your neck out with this guy and hanging with this guy wen he is so quick at throwing you under the bus wen he wants and needs to. if you're a republican lieder watch your own back? >> well they are, but what should mcconnell do to watch his own back that he isn't doing? >> i think he needs to be strong with donald trump. if he sees you in a position of weakness, he takes advantage of you. being confrontational at some point works better tan just pretending something he says is troubling and zpush disturbing. they use the most mushy words i have ever heard. >> what we're seeing is what the founding fathers wanted. you'll find before you realize
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it that the disputes are not republican and democrat it's article one versus article two. congress is article one. is mitch mcconnell the same as our president, criticizing him but more importantly is holding the session? senate in pro form or session during the recess. the president cannot make a recess appointment and run the senate. you're seeing these institution that i think are wonderful. >> i want to thank everybody more news ahead.
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11:00 pm
thank for watching 360, time to hand things over to don lemon. cnn tonight starts now. north korea steps right over president trump's red line. this is kwn tonight i'm don lemon. president trump warns north korea of fire and fury if they threatens the u.s. and tonight kim jong-un is doing what the president warned against, threatening the u.s. the president being mocked for being quote, at a golf range and putting out what it calls none sense of fire and fury. but there's more, north korean army says it's quote, seriously examining the plan of an enveloping strike in